YouTube - Bono Crying (looking a wee bit like Robin Wiilliams) - U2 in Hawaii Dec 9 '06

YouTube - Bono Crying (looking a wee bit like Robin Wiilliams) - U2 in Hawaii Dec 9 '06

Click on the link above and you will see Bono crying! Why may you ask, is Bono crying? Because he was sad that I was not the winner at 5pm from the radio station when they announced the winner to the trip to Ireland to see the band play in Dublin. :(

YouTube - U2 - The Sweetest Thing

YouTube - U2 - The Sweetest Thing

Click the link above to hear the U2 Song the Sweetest Thing!

My local radio station had a contest to win a trip to Ireland to see U2 in concert in Dublin. Whenever a U2 song played on the radio, and you were the 15 caller to the station you were put in a drawing to win the trip. 4 winners qualified a day for 5 days resulting in 20 names being qualified. I have a 1 in 20 shot. I called everyday every time I heard a song.......the busy signal became my friend. Well, on Thursday on my day off I really devoted time to qualifying for the contest. I almost missed it. I heard the dogs barking and went to see what all the commotion was about. NOTHING, of course. Well, I came back in the room and sure enough I hear the Sweetest Thing playing. I started yelling "Where's my phone". Found it and dialed several times getting a busy signal. Well, I decided to use some visual imagery and started talking to the phone as If I had just won, well all of a sudden in starts to ring and I could not believe it. I won! A CD that is, as I still have to have my name drawn on Friday after 5pm. Hey, it has to be someone, so it should be me. And quiet honestly I can't think of anyone better than moi. :)

Nature Preserve Hike

Hubby and I decided to take a hike thru a Nature preserve close to our house. We had fun. We have gone several time, sometimes early in the morning in hope of seeing a lot of wildlife and once because we are big goons late at night around 11pm on a full moon so we could scare the wits out of each other. And yes I did get majorly spooked. Think Blair Witch project or anything your imagination can create in the dark in the woods. I know, seriously we need better ways to entertain ourselves. In reality the biggest thing living in the preserve is gopher tortoise's. And I think the animal tracks were from a raccoon.

Boycott "ORPHAN" Movie - Petition Spot

Boycott "ORPHAN" Movie - Petition Spot

A new movie called ORPHAN will be released this summer. I encourage any and everyone to not see it but also to boycot the movie with the above link. The premise is that a older child who is an orphan is adopted but that she is a bad seed and is does horrific things to her family. Honestly, society already presents Adopted children as second best or as acts as if a adopted child is the 2nd choice when couples cannot have biological children. Or how many people have your heard say " Oh, you don't want to adopt because you might get a bad kid." I think this movie perpetrates that idea. Yes, I realize that all the above mentioned stuff is a inaccurate, but that is the harm of movies like this.